Solar Fire Crystals by Jalu Wasonoadi ( Satya Prajna Lokasaranga )

Solar Fire Crystals by Jalu Wasonoadi ( Satya Prajna Lokasaranga )

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year 2012 $ 50.5

Solar Fire Crystals Solar Fire Crystals is a purification system with high power of the Great of Solar and then lock it to protect the purity from psychic disorders as well as negative energy That attachments intentionally or unintentionally sent. Solar Fire Crystals Provided for solid foundation to help us stay grounded in the place we are going. For other person That has bad intention it is the burning and impediment, but for users this is a relaxing and calming fire, providing security support to us for more relaxed and confident

That something unexpected will not happen. Solar Fire Crystals are in sharp heat, providing strong protection for us and place of residence or regional power.

This builds a strong defensive wall That supported a strong foundation in the mother earth. Solar Fire Crystals is a softness and strength to become one. It sends back the negative energy or psychic attacks That as to the sender who have bad intends or send to the mother earth and Transformed into a stronger foundation

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