Healthy Head Energy Source© Christiana Kluge

Healthy Head Energy Source© Christiana Kluge

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List price: € 57.00 Your price: € 29.00

Bing-Horton Syndrome - also called cluster headache chronic migraine Episodic migraines for many people it is always an unbearable struggle in everyday life. An old healing mantra with mudras gives relief! The power of his mantra is based on the fact that it is the subconscious at the most elementary level rearranges. The radiation of the psyche depends on the active function of the pituitary and pineal glands. The pituitary regulates the entire glandular system. The ancient healing mantra is a powerful tool to bring balance to the mind to restore. The scripted meditation cleans unconscious programming and that with it accompanying painful feelings. The nervous system relaxes tense thoughts are released entire psyche comes back into balance, In the script is a precise meditation guide, mudras and a second healing mantra specifically for that

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