year 2023 - 99 euro
The flow of the Magical Elixir of Phoenix comes from the magic of earth and heaven, magic of fire, with the support of angelic realms and highest masters
The Magic Elixir of Phoenix brings completion and rebirth.
Call the flow to help - to end a failed relationship, -for cases that don't move - to complete problems and issues that do not find their solution and will never find it- for burning and destroying past emotional, energy, physical cords - for the destruction of magical bindings, energy theft, dumping negativity on you - for the burning and destruction of runic, symbolic, alphabetic, numeric, digital, network influences- for burning, destroying the attached ethereal, energy, magical, alien parasites- to restore vitality - to open new paths - for the healing of light and hard disease - for the safe conduct of energy, magic, runic practices (the flow will not allow you to commit evil) - to open, heal, install protection on your channels - money, success, love, beauty, health, protection, connections with the earth and higher chakras.
- for safe connections with higher mentors, helpers, protectors, teachers, the higher self, God, gods and with those light forces in which you believe - to remove the everyday and internal negativity that has been with youfor a long time- to destroy bad habits, your destructive behavior- and much more
The elixir has limitless possibilities, explore them for yourself.
Energy gives strength, power, unprecedented opportunities fortransformation, for creating yourself and your best life.
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