year 2023 - 99 euro
The flow of the Magic Elixir Protective Tower comes from the source of the magic of earth and heaven, the magic of protection, with the support of the angelic realms and the highest masters
The Magic Elixir Protective Tower will help you survive the storm, merciless vicious attacks, protect you from internal frustration, discord, emotional swings, help you keep confident before terrible and frightening events.
You will be able to think adequately and calmly find a way out of the situation.
You can create an ethereal protective tower with a simple intention for yourself, relatives, friends, install it on any space, districts, cities, countries, land, etc.
Your towers will through to you all the most positive energies, good situations, pushing away the negative.
The tower serves as a filter. The protective tower can make you invisible if you need to hide.
The Magic Elixir Protective Tower has the effect of ouncing off - everyone who seeks to harm you by sending evil, envious thoughts, negative energies, magical rituals, creatures and any symbolic, runic ,characters will get it back regardless of their safety, shields, rituals of allocating in earth.
Automatic energy exchange is turned on in the stream -what I sent, I received. Nothing can be an obstacle to the basic law of the universe.
The protective tower can be installed for a certain period (no more than a month), then update the intent or switched on during an immediate threat.
The possibilities of the elixir are endless, explore it for yourself
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