Hagalaz Rune Channel by Elina Boltenko

Hagalaz Rune Channel by Elina Boltenko

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(from God Odin) 

Are you ready for a complete reset, tearing out the roots of the old, for the germination of the new?

Are you ready to completely remove yourself and your space from dirt and obsolescence, outside and inside, to the most hidden corners of your soul, in order to cut the diamond of your soul from unnecessary things, and become like a shining diamond, transforming Light into a Rainbow through the crystal purity of your soul?

Rune of Exam, rune of the Limit, having crossed which you will leave only Yourself, the very essence, true, perfect.

Are you ready to free yourself from the musty past, boring but familiar, and open the fresh boundaries of the Present to let in the new, the future? 

It will calm you down, encourage you, and show you that there are bright sides to life

A completely burnt out plain, with completely cut down the roots of the excess, extends into the space of Hagalaz, and 

Sprout sprouts on this. New. Strong. And the Crystal of the Purity of the Soul shines above him, illuminating the space

with the New Light.

Not everyone is ready for Complete Purification through hard discarding and destruction of the old. But whoever is ready to step further, naked, like a pure soul who has come into this world, will accept the power of Hagalaz into his life, and it will help him on his path...

The rune of tough cleansing, very tough and powerful, the rune of the limit, after which there is no past, there is only you, ready for the new.

It is often used as a break rune. But we often tear away from ourselves what is outdated and not needed. But this is far from the full beauty of the Power of this rune; it often causes fear because of its incomprehensible power. The forces of a silent hurricane, sweeping away everything that was poorly secured and stood precariously, tearing out the roots of rotten weeds...

Many people are afraid of this force. 

But to those who can accept it and open their arms towards the cleansing Power, it will help and lead the Crystal of the Soul to the state of a Diamond...

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