Perþō Rune  Channel by Elina Boltenko

Perþō Rune Channel by Elina Boltenko

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 (from God Odin) 

Quietly, silently, in complete silence and 
attunement with the most subtle movements of 
your soul and the world around you, you approach 
the Secret... 

The world of the Perþō rune lets you in, a silent traveler, a humble researcher. 
There is no need to resist Perþō, relax, and let its 
Secret into yourself... 

Only in complete relaxation, renouncing prejudices, are you able to comprehend the secrets of the universe. Perþō opens new worlds to you, reveals what was 
You begin to have a second attention, a hidden vision that sees what others do not see. 
Perþō can help you discover the underbelly of the 
world and your own depths of consciousness, all 
the secrets. 

The best assistant in meditative quests, in passing through dark and unknown gates, she 
will be able to guide you through the darkest corridors to the light of enlightenment. 
To learn the secrets. To discover the depths of yourself. To open the “eyes of the soul”, 
it can be called a rune of extrasensory perception to some extent. 
Gently guides you through closed doors, guides you through the most complex intricacies of situations, without destroying them, but realizing them and gently bending them around with your consciousness. 
The rune is a guide to the Secret and the Unknown. 
For the most part, it is not directed at the outside world; one should not expect fantastic 
events or amazing adventures in the outside world from it. But she can reveal secret knowledge through interesting dreams, reflections, signs, etc. 
Rune of immersion into the Depths of the Universe... 
Perhaps it is connected with the magic of time and spatial movements, the magic of parallel worlds. 

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