Amethyst Flower Essence by Winarso

Amethyst Flower Essence by Winarso

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The Amethyst Flower:

The Amethyst Flower is a “stone of love”, a “stone of Healing”, and “a stone of blessings”. It provides for a connection between the crown the chakra and the heart chakra, stimulating a resonant love which can be felt by others and which is totally “in tune” with the vibratory energies of the perfect state of the universe (crown chakra correlation).

The Amethyst Flower Essence:

The Amethyst Flower Essence helps one to forgive oneself and others, enhancing one’s understanding of the lessons which have been chosen for this visit to the physical realm. It assists in providing for clarity of communication between the worlds, enhancing messages with clarity, simplicity, and precision, and allowing for a re – charging effect for all.

An Amethyst Flower Elixir is excellent for activating contact and bridging the interval of frequency and distance.

For discouragement or despair, using the Amethyst Flower Essence in one’s environment, provides for the flow of gentle loving information from the spiritual world to the mental plane, bringing peace and relaxation to the user.

It has been used to enable the opening of the heart center allowing for the dissolution of stress and tension.

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