There are several beliefs regarding the power animals and the guides, the belief in the magic of animals is not 'connected in particular to any religion or faith.
It is a mystical bond that can 'contribute to our spiritual growth. We all have a totem birth. This totem is comparable to the your this animal is often one of your main teachers of this incarnation.
Clan totems ... The totems of birth belongs to an elementary clans and leads the peculiarities' of the clan ....elements earth, air, fire and water. Totem Power.....They walk with us from one life always at our side, these animals are the outward expression of who we are.
They are our brother - sister, protector and teacher, guide and liaison with the Great Mystery.
Totem theme Life, These animals help with the themes of this life. They will be with us for the duration of this our walk on earth Mission Life Totem, These animals help us fulfill our mission today of this life on earth The healing symbols Path animals can be used to help connect with one of these totem.
You may not feel like we are progressing until you can see where you have been in the past.... although it is not for everyone, for some it is an essential and valuable tool.
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