Magikal Earth Pentagram Initiation by Manuela Fasoli

Magikal Earth Pentagram Initiation by Manuela Fasoli

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year 2024

In the 20th century, the pentagram became a central symbol in the Neopagan movement and Wiccan religion.

Wiccans see the pentagram with an upward point as a symbol of the balance between the elements and spirit.

It is often used in altars, rituals and as an amulet of protection.

For Wiccans, the pentagram also represents the principle of cyclical nature and the connection between all living things.

The earth pentagram calls down the spirits of the earth. 

The Earth element is often represented by different deities and spirits in mythology and spiritual traditions around the world.

 These entities embody the qualities of stability, abundance,nutrition, protection, and strength. the pentagram symbolizes man as a perfected work of God, with head, hands, and feet representing the five points and symbols of the five.

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