year 2013 - 60 $
Most Common Types of Spirits:
- Familiar Spirit
- Historical Spirit
- Anonymous Spirit
- Animal Spirit Paranormal Spirit Synergy may assist with:
1. Learning to coexist with your spirit/ghost
2. Assisting spirit/ghost to cross over
3. Clearing your home, sacred space. Some Signs You May Have Spirit Visitors;
- Hearing sounds of footsteps
- Discomfort in a particular room
- Atmosphere feels intimidating or different
- Tou feel drained
- Stomach upset in an area
- Chills
- Cold spots
- Hearing muffled voices
- Seeing Shadows or apparitions
- Lights turning on and off
- Doors opening
- Floral Scents
- Feelings of being watched
- Feelings of being touched
- Recurrent nightmares
- Feeling Sadness
- Loss of Energy
- Temperature Drop to Icy Cold
- Sudden Illness
- You Reside In A Dwelling With a Tumultuous Past.
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