These energies are there to help us promote the strength of faith and attract miracles in our beautiful and blissful lives.
The combined benefits from the energies in this package:
Diamond Sparkling Rhomboid from Archangel Jophiel: is the energy that promotes miracles in our lives! What are miracles? Miracles are unexpected occasions and things that happen to us in a very pleasant way. If you want to promote miracles in your life, unexpected gifts, and roads that are open for you, use this energy. Also, if you have a business meeting or you would like to get a certain job position, use this energy. Furthermore, if you have an exam, use this energy to calm down and send it into the event as if you would send distant Reiki healing. If it happens that nothing new comes into your life, use this energy because you are going to attract and manifest your own miracles!
Aphrodite’s Partnership Moment:
This energy is suitable when you want to renew the "sparkle" with your life partner. It is the energy that will bring joy to your life! It will “renew” your partnership love from the beginning, but mature love when you see the virtues of a person you are with. It is going to give you moments when your eyes catch the other person’s eyes. It is going to move you into the mode of giving presents to your partner, making surprises, being inspired to help your partner, and doing things together. It will help you remember all the good stuff and bring it out to warm your heart, inspire you, give you joy and make you eager to love your partner even more. If you do not have a partner currently, you can still use this energy because it will help you attract and meet the right one.
Archangel Gabriel’s Ethereal Crystal
is the energy that is connected to the angelic realm. It will inspire you to believe in angels! Also, it will connect you to the Archangel Gabriel and you will feel the presence of angels that will motivate you to believe in higher realms. Angels are our best friends, our protectors, and they are full of love. Whenever you have doubts, use this energy and you will feel how full of love you are. It is a pure white sparkling crystal that is pure love. Love like from God. You can infuse certain crystals that you have in your home with this energy, for instance, clear quartz, and have it as a protection and reminder of angel love. ! If you do not believe in angels, try this energy and you will see how you will open up to the possibilities of other realms than this one you live in!
Mother Earth’s Poem of Life:
It is a very unique energy that you use for longer meditations. You will realize how happy you are and how joyful life you can have living on this planet. It is full of possibilities, abundance, joy, love, and happiness! We should really be grateful and truly happy to live on Mother Earth and have lots of lessons and experiences. This meditation, further explained in the manual, will show you how delightful is to be a member of humanity. We can help mother Earth and all plants, animals, waters, woods by sending this energy, Reiki, or any other type of energy.
Solar Angels’ Light of Joy:
Solar angels love to communicate with people and make them happy, joyful and show them how life is precious! There are very eager to take our problems away as if they were our friends in need every time. And they are going to show you that they are not only your friends, but they are going to present to you the preciousness of friendship in general. With this energy, you are going to attract people who are on the same vibration level as you are, who share the same opinion, same values, or same interests. You will meet your soul family. When you meet them you might be surprised and want to have coffee with them, talk and share feelings. Do not be surprised if you attract more people who are like you, like very close cousins. Your life is going to be full of miracles of this kind.
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