Siddha Medicine is one of the oldest medical systems known to mankind.
Contemporary Tamizh literature considers that the system of Siddha Medicine originated in South India, in the state of Tamil Nadu, reportedly appearing more than 10,000 years ago.
The Siddha system of medicine is considered to be one of the oldest traditional medical systems before Ayurveda.
More than 20 attunements are available for activation from the Siddha teachings. These attunements work in your etheric body. Each person reading this book has access for personal and practical use.
Only a certified teacher - (Master Level of Siddha) can pass it on to others and attunements may only be given with the person's conscious permission.
When you consciously accept and embrace the energy, your body and energy field meet and welcome the energy.
You do not need to feel the energies to receive and activate them.
Your pure intention to receive and activate them is enough.
This energy system is a safe flow and no harm can be done.
Chapter 1 - History
Chapter 2 - Basics
Chapter 3 - The concept of disease and cause
Chapter 4 - Nadis - Ida - Pingala - Sushumna
Chapter 5 - Murugan Initiation
Chapter 6 - Shidda methods for purifying toxic electromagnetic frequencies
Chapter 7 - Ways of entry of Prana into the physical body
Chapter 8 - Vibrational massage
Chapter 9 - The principles of Siddha medicine
Chapter 10 - Difference between Siddha and Ayurveda
Chapter 11 - PULSE
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