Energy Karmic Liberation First stage by Elina Boltenko

Energy Karmic Liberation First stage by Elina Boltenko

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The flow of energy occurs in 7 stages, each purifying Karma related to a specific chakra.

The first stage - Muladhara - working with general karma as a whole, prepares the space for karmic cleansing, provides awareness of problems and helps to find a way out of them, via cleansing karma

While searching for energies in the Universe suitable for working with karma, I channeled the information about the energy flow of Karmic Liberation.

In the World of Souls there are creatures, entities named Karmic Guardians. They monitor the fulfillment of balance in the universe, and not only give everyone according to their deeds, but also help souls grow, so that the karmic boomerang response will be for the highest good and for the sake of spiritual growth in order to avoid the repetition of the same mistakes.

The “Karmic Liberation” energy was created for the accelerated karma “work off”. The issues that are not part of karma- for example, an excessive feeling of guilt - are simply cleansed, freeing you from them. And whatever happened as a consequence of your actions goes into accelerated processing: you begin to realize what needs to be done to void the negative karma, what act or action of yours is required to erase the negative charge you received in response to your past action.

First stage symbol:

When starting to work with karma cleansing, work with the symbol until you feel that karmic problemshave been cleared at a basic level.

What effects can there be from working with the energy of karma cleansing? Stagnant problems may begin clearing up, such as long-standing problems that have already been abandoned in the belief that they are unsolvable

Stagnant chronic diseases caused by karma may also begin to appear - aggravate, and attract attention to themselves in order to begin to heal.

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