New Moon is the time for rebirth ,a time to let go of what has been and forgive ourselves of ahatever wrongs we think we may have done and begib anew .In many cultures New Moon is the beginning of the new month.
It Also represents a time of spiritual rest when we can contemplate what we want in your lives and plant the seeds of those desires that they may grow with the lunar cycle .We can call upon the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancient ones and Elders to guide us in this work.
This new moon empowerment calls to the Mother Kali Ma Kali a Hindu goddess ,has been called more than 100 different names She is God's power manifest in the feminine trinity of Maiden, Mother,Crone Kali is also related to the root chakra which is home to the Kundalini When this chakra is out of balance we may feel:
Lack of trust in a natural process of life
Worried and fearful of the future and our ability to meet obligations
Easily overwhelmed by life No Energy ,tire easily
Loosing control of emotions
Physical indicators of blockages in the root chakra :
Pian in legs and feet
Lower back pain
Digestive problems
Varicose veins
Skeletal problems
Stress -related ailments
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