This is the original sytem of Reiki using the ancient Japanese symbols rediscovered by Usui Sensei during his meditation on Kurama Yama Mountain near Hondon temple The energy is felt slightly different from other Reiki branches but is quite powerful and sometimes the result are spectacular The system is used not only for healing work but also for spiritual growth
Kurama Kokiu Reiki Master Techer Level The course ( available to those have already reached Reiki Master /Teacher level ) includes: The new history of Reiki Kurama Temple Prayer for Happiness to the Sonten of Kuramayama A little about Shingon shu Kurama Kokyu symbol Connection between
Kurama Kokyu symbols and Reiki symbols Sonten Symbols The secret mantra used by Usui sensei The secret Japanese mantra that activated all symbols The prayer used by Masters of Hondon temple Kotodama -the sacred word of spirits Ancient Reiju process.
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