Marian Ancient Pagan Goddess of the Sea
Known as Marian, Marine, Maria, Miriam, Myrrhine, Mariamne, Moera etc., This particular Goddess seems to have counterparts in every portion of the world.
In Egypt, Mer was the Goddess of Water and a symbol of maternal love. In northern Europe , Maerin was the wife of Thor. Please note the similarity to the name Merlin, a mage whose life was closely linked with the Grail, a potent water symbol. Maerin was known as Wudu-Maer.
Mari dominated what is now known as the Holy Land until 1700 BC. Mari is also one of the earliest versions of the trinity in that she was not only the Mother of the sea, but also the Earth and Heavens.
As the Goddess of the Grove , she was Maid Marian to the Celts, beloved of Robin, an archetype of the Horned God of Witches. Mari is The Creator of the World & the Goddess Of Dreams and Hopes.
She is the goddess of thunder and wind, the personification of the Earth. In Sumero-Babylonian traditions, Mari closely corresponds to Tiamat, the Goddess Mother whose name means deep or womb.
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